
Tomasz Tarnawski to prawnik, którego imponująca kariera jest zbudowana na solidnych fundamentach wiedzy prawnej, doświadczenia oraz niezachwianego zaangażowania w obronę interesów swoich klientów. Jego podejście do prawa jest holistyczne, łącząc w sobie dogłębne analizy prawne, strategiczne planowanie oraz skuteczną reprezentację w sądzie. Specjalizuje się w szerokim zakresie dziedzin, od prawa cywilnego i karnego po skomplikowane sprawy korporacyjne i nieruchomości, co pozwala mu na elastyczne dostosowanie strategii do specyfiki każdej sprawy.

Helping you through the most important decisions of your life

The changes you are facing in your family relationships are undoubtedly a source of stress and concern.

Our family law lawyers offering litigation, mediation and arbitration services, they are trained in the specialty area of Collaborative Practice. Collaborative Practice is a popular approach resolving the issues in separation and/or divorce in an amicable way.  Under a Collaborative approach, the parties agree to avoid court by working with lawyers, coaches, and other third-party professionals to reduce the level of emotional stress of separation and divorce, and deal more directly with matters that require thoughtful and careful resolution.

Avvocato Law’s family lawyers are skilled, focused, empathetic, and sensitive.  We stand by your side as we work toward a resolution that makes sense for you in all matters of family law, including:

Represented lender on a $125,000,000+ refinancing of various credit facilities for a multinational manufacturer with assets located across Canada and in the United States.

Banking and Financial Services
Lawyers in
Partner & Co-Founder
Vice President
